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  • NEWS

    Stephanie's Story with Team Duncan

    Published in News on August 1st, 2023

    Most people think of July 4th as the official start of summer, but in the Boston area it also means time to start seriously training for the Pan Mass Challenge. The PMC is an epic two-day bike ride and fundraiser that brings thousands of people together to raise millions of dollars for cancer research at Dana Farber. For TIEM, the PMC is at the soul of our brand. It represents our values of giving back, community building, and the importance of health. Our founder Tracey McLeod has ridden for the past 11 years, and TIEM has been a proud sponsor of the PMC and PMC Winter Cycle for the past several years.

    This year we had the privilege of talking with two members of Team Duncan, a PMC team composed of Dana Farber doctors, nurses, employees, cancer survivors, patients, friends and family members whose mission it is to raise funds for care and research focused on breast and gynecologic cancer.

    Read on to hear more about Team Duncan and Stephanie's story!

    Team Duncan, one of the largest PMC teams, is named after Duncan Driscoll Finigan who was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in 2015. Duncan was a strong and passionate advocate of breast cancer awareness and research, who began Project Pink at her former company Oofos- which has been able to donate 3.5 million dollars to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Team Duncan consists of Duncan's husband, four children, extended family, friends, past coworkers, and more. You can learn more about her story here.

    "The PMC is the largest single day fundraiser in the US which raises money for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston! This year there are about 6,000 riders raising a minimum of $6,000 each for cancer research and care. I am riding with Team Duncan, one of the highest fundraising teams in the PMC, named after Duncan Driscoll Finigan, a very close friend of mine, who passed away from breast cancer several years ago. Duncan was loved by everyone who knew her and her legacy has inspired countless new riders to join Team Duncan. She was passionate about raising money for breast cancer research and this team is her legacy in that."
    - Christine St Pierre, Team Duncan Captain

    Team Captain, Christine St Pierre, introduced us to one of their new team members, Stephanie Taylor. Stephanie is a first time PMC rider, mother of two, and current breast cancer patient at Dana Farber.

    Stephanie, what brought you to want to ride in the PMC this year?

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at 39 years old, before I was old enough to start my screening mammograms. I was very physically active and was taking spin classes three times per week. I had participated in a similar event to the PMC when I was younger, so when I learned that my oncologist was on a PMC team that raises money for breast cancer research at DFCI, I told him I wanted to join after the worst of my treatment was over to help raise money and also to prove to myself that breast cancer wasn't going to steal my physical fitness. I finished chemo at the end of December and had a mastectomy on Valentine's Day this year. I still have a few more rounds of targeted therapy remaining, but will finish treatment in October.

    You told us the story of how you had to advocate for yourself and self-diagnose. What advice would you give to other women in your position?

    There has been a lot of mixed information lately on the importance of self-exam. I would encourage women to know their bodies, trust their guts, and check their boobies! After I found my lump and went for my urgent care exam, my doctor said 'We always want you to come and get checked out, even when you think it's nothing. We would rather just be sure it's nothing'. Screening guidelines are designed to catch MOST case, but they don't catch all. We need to advocate for ourselves when something doesn't feel right. Don't be afraid to call and get it checked out!

    You're an avid spin class participant locally at Rev'd Cycling Studio. How has this helped you throughout treatment of leading up to your treatment?

    I fell in love with spin in part because of the mental health benefits I got from it. Being reminded each class that the work you put in on the bike is preparing you for the hard things that happen outside the studio and off the bike really did prepare me mentally for treatment, surgery, and now recovery. There were many MANY times I thanked myself for getting up on all of those cold dark mornings and getting on the bike, because my mental health and physical fitness going into the treatment process really did carry me through the hard days.

    How has being a part of Team Duncan impacted your life and PMC experience?

    This is just the magic of Dana-Farber! Not only was my oncologist my partner in getting well and beating breast cancer, but welcoming me onto this team has been so transformational in how I experienced survivorship. I have found a group of people that not only share my hobbies, but also share in the experience of breast cancer and have a passion for using their experience to make the care for the next patient that much better than their own. I didn't know a single other person on the team, except for Dr. Poorvu, and have already made so many new friendships before the actual event! I never met Duncan, but I am sure she would be so proud of her friends and family for continuing her legacy in this way.

    This is your first year riding the PMC- congrats! What is your team raising money for? Has anyone joined with you? How is training going?

    Team Duncan raises money for the Breast Cancer Research Fund at Dana-Farber. The money we raise goes directly to supporting the infrastructure around breast cancer research- new equipment, technology upgrades used to modernize research, etc. I personally am a participant in two research studies as well as the ongoing research of my reconstructive plastic surgeon, who is also affiliated with Dana-Farber, so I am simultaneously raising money for, and benefiting from, this research.
    My mom is an avid cyclist and was the person who got me into road cycling 10 years ago. We are riding together on Team Duncan. Both her mom and sister also had breast cancer. When I started training in June, it had been a long time since I put this many miles on a bike. But my body has been bouncing back well and feeling great! Last weekend I rode almost 55 miles, which is the most I have ever done!

    And lastly, why do you PMC?

    For so many reasons! At first, I committed so that I had something to look forward to on the other side and also to prove that after everything, I was going to bounce back and continue to crush my goals. But I also am riding because I want other women who are diagnosed to see what life can still be after this experience. And then, I ride to give back. I have received the best care, by a team that truly saw me as a whole human, and I want to put some of my own sweat and tears into making this kind of diagnosis better for those that come after me.

    Is there anything else you'd like to share with our community?!

    Schedule those annual physicals and mammograms ladies! Know your body and- #checkyourboobies

    Learn more about Team Duncan and the PMC here!

    Also in Form and Function



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