Published in News on August 1st, 2023
Most people think of July 4th as the official start of summer, but in the Boston area it also means time to start seriously training for the Pan Mass Challenge. The PMC is an epic two-day bike ride and fundraiser that brings thousands of people together to raise millions of dollars for cancer research at Dana Farber. For TIEM, the PMC is at the soul of our brand. It represents our values of giving back, community building, and the importance of health. Our founder Tracey McLeod has ridden for the past 11 years, and TIEM has been a proud sponsor of the PMC and PMC Winter Cycle for the past several years.
This year we had the privilege of talking with two members of Team Duncan, a PMC team composed of Dana Farber doctors, nurses, employees, cancer survivors, patients, friends and family members whose mission it is to raise funds for care and research focused on breast and gynecologic cancer.
Read on to hear more about Team Duncan and Stephanie's story!
Team Duncan, one of the largest PMC teams, is named after Duncan Driscoll Finigan who was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in 2015. Duncan was a strong and passionate advocate of breast cancer awareness and research, who began Project Pink at her former company Oofos- which has been able to donate 3.5 million dollars to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Team Duncan consists of Duncan's husband, four children, extended family, friends, past coworkers, and more. You can learn more about her story here.
Team Captain, Christine St Pierre, introduced us to one of their new team members, Stephanie Taylor. Stephanie is a first time PMC rider, mother of two, and current breast cancer patient at Dana Farber.
Stephanie, what brought you to want to ride in the PMC this year?
You told us the story of how you had to advocate for yourself and self-diagnose. What advice would you give to other women in your position?
You're an avid spin class participant locally at Rev'd Cycling Studio. How has this helped you throughout treatment of leading up to your treatment?
How has being a part of Team Duncan impacted your life and PMC experience?
This is your first year riding the PMC- congrats! What is your team raising money for? Has anyone joined with you? How is training going?
And lastly, why do you PMC?
Is there anything else you'd like to share with our community?!